How to Join the OIH Network#


In an increasingly data-driven digital landscape, sharing information about your resources on the web has become a vital endeavor. Structured data, presented through JSON-LD, offers an approachable means to achieve this goal, providing context and linked data in a format easily understood by both humans and machines. Through the incorporation of, a collaborative initiative designed to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the internet, this guide will help you navigate the process of sharing JSON-LD for your web resources. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key steps to effectively share JSON-LD on the web for your resource, empowering you to enhance discoverability and semantic context for your valuable content.

Title: Sharing JSON-LD on the Web for Your Resource

Section 1: Introduction

  1. Provide a brief introduction to the purpose of the guide.

  2. Explain the importance of sharing structured data for web resources.

Section 2: Getting Started

  1. Define structured data and JSON-LD.

  2. Highlight the role of in creating structured data.

  3. Emphasize the benefits of using JSON-LD and web architecture for resource sharing.

Section 3: Steps to Share JSON-LD

  1. Explain the key steps to share JSON-LD for your resource:

    1. Authoring JSON-LD Documents:

      • Discuss the process of creating JSON-LD documents aligned with project guidelines.

    2. Inserting JSON-LD into Web Pages:

      • Describe how to embed JSON-LD into web pages using SCRIPT tags.

    3. Including JSON-LD in Sitemaps:

      • Explain the importance of adding JSON-LD marked resources to XML sitemap files.

    4. Validation and Iteration:

      • Discuss the use of validation tools to ensure well-formed JSON-LD.

      • Emphasize the iterative nature of aligning JSON-LD as the project profile evolves.

Section 4: Conclusion

  1. Summarize the essential steps for sharing JSON-LD on the web.

  2. Encourage readers to start implementing structured data for their resources.

  3. Provide a closing thought or encouragement for users to explore further.


Defining Structured Data and JSON-LD: Structured data is the practice of organizing and presenting data on the web in a way that provides clear context and relationships between different pieces of information. JSON-LD, which stands for JSON for Linked Data, is a popular format for expressing structured data using JSON syntax. It allows you to create machine-readable content that can be easily understood by search engines, making it an effective method for enhancing the visibility and comprehensibility of your web resources.


The Role of and the FAIR Principles:, a collaborative initiative, plays a crucial role in the structured data landscape. It is closely aligned with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, which aim to improve the accessibility and usability of data. By using, you’re not only making your data more findable but also contributing to its accessibility and interoperability. This means that your structured data becomes more reusable by other systems, researchers, and organizations, reinforcing the FAIR principles and promoting a global data-sharing ecosystem. In this guide, we will show you how to leverage these concepts to efficiently share your JSON-LD data on the web.